Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Girl's Day Out!

Girl's Day Out!

Empowering girls through lessons on self-esteem, relational aggression, and body image.

This is one of my FAVORITE activities to do with the students on my campus.  I found some wonderful ideas on one of my favorite blogs: with regard to lessons to do with girls to help empower them.

I chose two days last year to work with each grade level of girls.  On our campus our students go to "Specials" class: computers, music, library, p.e., art, etc....  The boys went to P.E. while the girls and some of the Specials teachers joined me in the music room for some Girly FUN!  

During our forty-five minutes together the students listened to music videos, participated in group activities, and ended with an individual quick writing portion.  

I paired the fourth and fifth grade girls together for over an hour for their lesson.  This year I plan to create special "invitations" for this day and present them to each of the girls.

(The kindergarten and first grade presentation was shorter: 
no Prezi, reading The Recess Queen, and looking into the Mirror: "What do I Like When I look in the Mirror?")
**Before you ask, yes, I had a Boy T.A.L.K. day**

Back to Back: Girls sat with their backs to each other and had to only use their backs/legs to get up.  :)

Mirrors: (Students are sitting in a circle) Look into the mirror and either say it out loud or think it inside, what do you like about the person looking back at you?  2nd time around: One person holds the mirror and the girl to her right says something about her that she likes (body image).

Paper Chain: Students are given a slip of colored construction paper.  Brainstorm one thing you can do to help empower girls, make a difference on our campus, or help someone in your community. Staple links together to make a long chain of powerful statements! (Together we can be the change we wish to see in the world!)

The program's design for grades 2-5 is outlined 
in this PREZI: